“In our continued
commitment to our very diverse clientele, Data Resources'
multidisciplinary professionals can accurately assess and provide a
comprehensive, cost-effective approach to your most complex
environmental considerations.”

to Data Resources
Data Resources Incorporated was founded in 1986 as an environmental
laboratory, focused on providing engineers, professional consultants,
and industrial and municipal communities with comprehensive testing and
field services. Since that time, Data Resources has emerged as an
industry leader in offering a range of analytical, biological, and
environmental testing support.
A dedicated
staff of Biologists, Chemists, and Information Technology personnel work
to provide Engineers, Hydrogeologists, Industrial managers, and various
governmental agencies with the necessary testing to ensure their compliance
needs are met in an accurate and timely manner.
Data Resources' network
of laboratories is an important resource providing the necessary testing requests
for our valued clientele.
Data Resources' LIMS provides
its customers 24/7/365 access to their account via the CDRC
Data Master, our Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), offers the Customer Data Retrieval Center (CDRC) to our customers for
viewing their account. Through the CDRC a customer may retreive Analytical Reports,
view Job structures, print Job Chain-of-Custodies, view pricing, manage your profile information, and more...
Visit the website DataMaster.Solutions for more
details about our LIMS System.
Data Master has several powerful features.
The one that stands out the most is the tracking feature of each individual sample container.
Unique Container IDs are issed to each and every sample container allowing for tracking of
each aliquot of sample collected.